Detailed market statistics for last two years for selected neighborhoods.
(Market statistics are only meaningful if they are isolated to your neighborhood.)
Hassayampa Village
A total of 72 homes were sold of which 54 were SBSFs (Site-Built Single Family Homes) at an average price of $794,000 and 18 were Townhouses sold for an average of $471,000. SBSFs were on the market for an average of 56 days while Townhouses were on the market for 82 days on average.
Hidden Valley Ranch
A total of 96 homes were sold of which 84 were SBSFs at an average price of $439,000 and 2 were Townhouses sold for an average of $279,000.
SBSFs were on the market for an average of 56 days while Townhouses were on the market for 47 days on average.
Hidden Valley Ranch also has Patio Homes. Nine Patio homes were sold for an Average price of $322,000 with an average of 65 days on market. Patio Homes were on the market for 65 days on average.
A total of 49 homes were sold of which 46 were SBSFs at an average price of $480,000 and 3 were Townhouses sold for an average of $266,000.
SBSFs were on the market for an average of 78 days while Townhouses were on the market for 53 days on average.
If you do not see your neighborhood, just let us know.